The Power of Letting Go


I don’t think this post should be taken as a sad declaration of moving on from people and things in life.  The intention behind it is to simply state the obvious…letting go is hard, but sometimes necessary.  Having goals and even setting them requires a clear head and a sense of focus that cannot be attained as long as there is clutter all around you.  Recently, I’ve noticed that letting go (although tough) is more manageable for me and not just because I’m getting older or more mature, but because I put myself as a priority.  I used to be the type of person to give chance after chance, especially when I should have just walked away, but not anymore.  However, I still am the type of person that holds onto “things” because I have formed some version of an emotional attachment to them.  When I moved out of my last apartment I decided that I wanted to begin a new tradition of leaving behind anything that I didn’t need  and the same can go for some people in my life.  I am learning that in order for me to be the best DANIELLA, I need to place myself first among the list of people that I care about.


During this transition phase of my life, I have changed the way I date, I’ve adjusted the leisure activities I partake in, I allow people who treat me badly to choose which door they want to walk out of and I don’t give second chances.  What I do for me may not work for the next person, but I have made the decision to become immersed in my tunnel vision.  At the end of the tunnel, all I see is my success.  The people, places and things that I come in contact with are mere obstacles, manifestations of my own thoughts, the energy I put out and the fate that God has in store for me.  Those are the things that I either can’t control, blessings or the things that I have brought on myself from negative thoughts/actions.  If I can get through that tunnel of LIFE and only take with me what I need, then I can have all the success that I work so hard for.


Someone taught me a huge lesson this past week.  My happiness is MY choice and since it is my choice, I have to create my own bubble where no one can touch my tunnel that leads to MY success.  Life isn’t as difficult as some make it; it’s actually just the movie version of the script you’ve written for yourself.  To all of my readers, it’s time to let some shit go…pick one thing or person that isn’t contributing to your success and LET…IT..GO!

Some Will Stay Forever, but NOT Everyone Made it to 2012 with Me!

To my followers, I say “THANK YOU” for supporting me and taking the time to read such great stories of inspiration!  I’ve gotten many emails and comments from those that were truly helped and inspired after reading about some amazing people and their journeys through life.  I have some additional interviews that I will be disclosing within the next month or so; stay tuned!

With that said, I think it’s a good idea to clear the air and make a personal statement with this being a new year and all.  I’ve welcomed 2012 with open arms; 2011 was filled with so many events, ups and downs, trials, epiphanies, changes, etc.  It was a busy year, to say the least.  However, in all the lessons that I took away from the past year, there are two that shine through (not all friendships last forever and family means everything) and I’m sure others will be able to relate.  I took time to slim down my circle of friends, evaluated who I’ve been letting into my life and it was certainly time for a change.  Although, I’m a FIRM believer that everyone comes into your life for a reason, it is also true that not everyone is meant to stay.  It wasn’t all DEEP though; I took some much-needed time to be with the people who mean the most and I did things that made ME happy like, take a trip to Miami for my brother’s birthday…



Went to see Jay and Kanye’s Watch the Throne Tour…


Went to L.A. for the first time…



I had some amazing experiences, but of course as luck would have it, it wasn’t all fun and games for me.  Friendships were tested!  Some of my friendships ended, some of them started, but the ones that stand out the most are those that just disappeared.  I had a “friend” get engaged and will be married soon; I guess that invitation got lost in the mail (FYI, never drop your girls for any man…that’s Rule #1)!  After 11 years of friendship, she broke the mighty, mighty Rule #1.  I had another “friend” become so selfish and unappreciative of my time and truly thought that the world revolved around her drinking schedule…that relationship is no longer an issue for me.  Both situations were with two different people, but had the same outcome and I have no issues with either one being gone.  Of course time and attention were invested and sacrifices were made on both ends, but when the expiration date approaches I don’t fight it.  I don’t look back and I certainly don’t lose sleep over fixing something that will forever be broken. Sorry folks, no pics of the two ladies referenced above…I’m not that cold-hearted.

The moral of my story is, no matter how positive you may try to be in life, no matter how inspired you are by someone’s success, or how you try to maintain mind control, nothing will prepare any of us for the unexpected things that happen in life.  One of the unexpected things that life may bring is having to say “good-bye” to those that you thought had your best interest at heart.  I’d rather deal with the pain of turning away, than suffer a lifetime of toxic relationships…that will certainly end up killing me in the long run.  Instead, I chose to rid my life of the bad and celebrate the good!  I brought in the new year with a bang, with friends and friends of friends!



Living life the happy way is the first step to moving in the right direction!  The Dreamgirl can’t dream if she surrounds herself with nightmares!  Keep on dreaming!