

If you haven’t heard of Tinashe, be on the lookout!  She is an up-and-coming singer who is making waves on the scene!  I’ll let her music speak for itself and I’m sure you’ll take a liking to her as much as I have.  Check out Tinashe’s video below and let me know what you think!

Saturday Night Live with Special Guest Host, Justin Timberlake!

Justin Timberlake

This past Saturday, Justin Timberlake was the special guest on SNL and it’s said to be one of the biggest nights for viewers since last January!  He performed in true Timberlake fashion, bringing out surprise guest, Jay Z.  Justin is one of an elite group of hosts that have been invited to SNL five times…and to think, he started out on the Mickey Mouse Club!  Anything is possible! Check out the full episode below:

Saturday Night Live w/ Justin Timberlake

Monday’s Lesson: When Your “Success” Turns You Into An A$$hole!

Yup! I said it!  Ever watch someone on television as a regular reality “star” and then see them after a few episodes air and they’re stunting?  They start brushing “fans” off or turning down interviews or begin wearing things that they still probably can’t afford…overall, they THINK they are bigger than what they actually are!  Let’s be real, in about ten years, you’re not going to even be recognized.  Maybe it’s not just people on television…ever see people on your Facebook feed or Twitter timeline who are always “on” for the cameras?!  They just HAVE to let every…single…person…know…every…freaking…step or brag about every single thing that they own.

My Monday lesson goes out to all of you who I described above.  Learn to humble yourselves, understand that whatever success you have achieved, is a blessing and can be taken away in a split second.  People appreciate genuine individuals that they can relate to, not because of social status, but because of the wisdom and thoughtfulness and originality that you may bring to the table.

Weekend Feature: Chris James “Headgames”

Chris James

As promised, I’m featuring 3 up-and-coming artists on my site this week and first up is Chris James!  I receive a ton of music submissions on a daily basis and not all of them are put on my site because I simply either don’t like what I’m hearing or I don’t see any form of professionalism in the submission (artists should keep that in mind when sending their music).  However, I kind of fell in deep LIKE of this track and was pleasantly surprised with the video!  Check it out for yourself and enjoy!

The March Madness Countdown!!! Almost 30!

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Source: Google Images

So, IT is HERE!!!!  March is the most amazing month; yes, yes it is!  Think about it!  Some pretty fun things happen during this month, like:

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You’ll know it’s my birthday when I start posting things like this:

Google Images:

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Source: Google Images

Source: Google Images

Keep Calm

So, here’s to enjoying the last days in my 20’s and welcoming more FABULOUS-ity!!!