Have You Heard of Alison Carney? The Dreamgirl Has!

She can sing, she can write, she’s a fashion designer…what doesn’t she do?  Who is SHE?  That’s Alison Carney that I speak of and she’s a D.C. treasure that you may have heard of!  Her music is infused with inspirations from her surroundings and life experiences, leaving her listeners with perked ears and a sense of truth in their souls.  If you take the time to listen to Alison’s music, you will understand just what I’m referring to…you won’t be able to box it in or pin it down to one particular genre, but go ahead and try (trust me, you won’t want to)!

Alison performs annually for the DC Dilla Tribute and Can a Sister Rock a Mic and has toured internationally, spreading her love of music around the globe.  She will be blessing Park Nightclub, in D.C. on February 24th for those that want an up close and personal taste of what she has to offer!  I was able to reach out and get a deeper insight as to what makes Alison Carney so special; take a look at what she had to say:

I know your music is unique (as you want it to be), but do you think it falls into any particular genre, if one had to classify it?

I don’t think my music falls into one genre…but the most recent stuff is electro-pop-soul for sure!

You believe that music makes the world go ’round, how do you intend to spread that ideology throughout the industry?

I’m not gonna go on a crusade, but I believe music, much like everything in life should be organic!!! It should be natural, not contrived.  If more people accepted that, the movement/ideology would spread on its own!

What do you think is your God-given purpose in life?

To touch people emotionally with every melody, harmony and lyric.

What advice would you offer up-and-coming music artists, fashionistas, designers, etc…?

Love what you do…and do what you love! You have to find constant enjoyment in your art in order for it to stay true and authentic. 

At what point can you reflect on your journey and think to yourself, “I made it”?

That’s a tough one…I don’t necessarily believe in “making it”…I believe we are constantly working for our own next level of greatness and I love it!!!

What is one funny/quirky thing about you that most wouldn’t know?

I like to eat in bed…All the time.  Food tastes better in my bed lol!

This small glimpse is enough for me to know that Alison Carney is destined for greatness because she isn’t afraid to dream and go against the grain.  Check her out live or listen to this authentic butterfly right here:

alisonWonderland by Alison Carney

Also check out her EP:

The EP by Alison Carney

Enjoy this breath of fresh air in the Dreamworld!